Tell us a bit about yourself.
Meet Tui Kaumoana, UniServices Kaiārahi
E rau rangatira mā, koutou ngā uri o Tuperiri, o Tāmaki herenga waka, tēnā koutou katoa. Tuheitia Pōtātau Te Wherowhero Te Tuawhitu, tēnā koe e noho mai na i runga i te ahurewa tapu o ngā tūpuna ō tōna whaea, paimārire ki te Kāhui ariki nui tōnu, rire, rire, hau, paimārire.
Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Ngāti Mahuta te hapu
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ko Pūrekireki te marae
Ko Tui Kaumoana tēnei
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the work of kaumātua & kaimahi before me who have demonstrated incredible leadership for Te Ao Māori at UniServices, such as Matua Rawiri Wharemate, (moe mai rā), Matua Jim Peters, Matua Geremy Hema and the PVC Māori Office past and present. E mihi kau ana ki a rātou.
I have an MBA from the University of ɫƵ, with a specialisation in Māori business development. I have also written a thesis on the commercialisation of Māori medicine.